What is the best order to watch ‘Attack on Titan’ series, OVA, and manga?

Shingeki No Kyojin FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack on Titan)

1. What is ‘Shingeki No Kyojin’ (Attack on Titan)?

‘Shingeki No Kyojin’ or ‘Attack on Titan’ is one of the greatest animes of the 21st century. It has captivated audiences with its gripping storyline and intense action.

2. In what order should I watch ‘Shingeki No Kyojin’?

You should watch ‘Shingeki No Kyojin’ in the following order: Season 1, OVA of Season 1, OVA ‘Sin arrepentimientos’, Season 2, OVA ‘Chicas perdidas’, Season 3 (first half), ‘Attack on Titan: Junior High’, Season 3 (second half), Season 4 (first part), Season 4 (second part), Season 4 (final chapters: first part), and Season 4 (final chapters: second part).

3. How many episodes are there in each season?

Season 1 has 25 episodes, Season 2 has 12 episodes, Season 3 has 12 episodes for each half, and Season 4 is divided into several parts with varying episode counts.

4. Are there any special OVA episodes?

Yes, there are special OVA episodes such as ‘El diario de Ilse’, ‘Un visitante inesperado’, ‘Dificultad’, ‘Sin arrepentimientos’, and ‘Chicas perdidas’ which provide additional background and stories related to the main series.

5. Is ‘Attack on Titan: Junior High’ part of the main storyline?

No, ‘Attack on Titan: Junior High’ is a parody set in a school setting and is not considered canon to the main storyline. It is recommended to watch it after the first half of Season 3.

6. How many chapters of the manga does each season cover?

Season 1 covers chapters 1 to 33, Season 2 covers chapters 34 to 50, Season 3 covers chapters 51 to 90, and Season 4 covers chapters up to 139.

7. When did the final season of ‘Shingeki No Kyojin’ air?

The final season of ‘Shingeki No Kyojin’ aired in multiple parts, with the last part concluding with the adaptation of the final chapters.

8. Can I watch the anime without reading the manga?

Yes, you can enjoy the ‘Shingeki No Kyojin’ anime without reading the manga. The anime faithfully adapts the storyline and is a complete experience on its own.

9. Are there any movies related to ‘Shingeki No Kyojin’?

‘Shingeki No Kyojin’ has not only a series but also several movies and OVA that provide additional depth to the story and characters.

10. Is ‘Shingeki No Kyojin’ suitable for all ages?

‘Shingeki No Kyojin’ contains intense violence and mature themes, so it may not be suitable for younger audiences. Viewer discretion is advised for younger viewers.

11. Can I watch the OVA episodes in any order?

It is recommended to watch the OVA episodes in the order they were released, as they provide additional context and background for the main storyline.

12. Is there a preferred viewing order for the OVA episodes?

The preferred viewing order for the OVA episodes is as follows: OVA of Season 1, OVA ‘Sin arrepentimientos’, and OVA ‘Chicas perdidas’ to fully understand their impact on the main story.

13. Are there any spin-off series related to ‘Shingeki No Kyojin’?

Yes, there are spin-off series such as ‘Attack on Titan: Junior High’ and ‘Sin arrepentimientos’ that offer a different perspective on the main characters and events.

14. How does the ‘Shingeki No Kyojin’ anime compare to the manga?

The ‘Shingeki No Kyojin’ anime closely follows the storyline of the manga, with faithful adaptations of the characters and the overarching plot.

15. Is ‘Shingeki No Kyojin’ considered a must-watch anime?

Yes, ‘Shingeki No Kyojin’ is widely regarded as a must-watch anime for its compelling story, complex characters, and intense action sequences that have captivated audiences worldwide.

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