How to know who is calling me? Check if the number is spam

Spam Calls FAQs

El spam es una constante en el día a día de muchas personas, siendo habitual recibir muchas llamadas al móvil que, sin previo aviso, tratan de vendernos un producto. Una situación realmente molesta, pero de la que podemos sacar cierta ventaja al reconocer si el número que nos está llamando es spam, pudiendo evitar así un momento incómodo y molesto.

Las empresas tienen prohibido realizar llamadas con número oculto, pero eso no las ha detenido de cara a seguir realizando llamadas de spam con fines promocionales. Ver directamente el número de teléfono móvil nos puede hacer dudas sobre si es una llamada que tengamos que contestar, pero gracias a algunas aplicaciones y páginas web podremos descubrirlo.

How to identify spam calls?

There are several websites where you can find out if the phone number calling you is spam, in case you have any doubts. Below is a list of websites where you can find this information:


A recurring visit to discover who has called us and see if the phone number that was calling us was spam.


A prominent platform that has a mobile application. We will be able to identify who the call belongs to and thus recognize if we are receiving spam or not, also having an international database.

Who called?

A database in which users have highlighted information about different suspicious phone numbers based on comments.


A great option that has its own app for mobile devices, and in which we can search for phone numbers from all over the world. All kinds of information on a prominent platform to discover who is calling us.


A website to discover who is calling us, and if the number is associated with spam or phone abuse. A prominent option if you have doubts about the specific call.

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